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Privacy Policy
Policy established: March 17 2008
Current version: 1.0 (last updated: March 17 2008)

Pick a Four Leaf Clover takes your privacy very seriously. We will never sell or share your information with any other companies (except during the purchase process when we must send your information to our credit card processor). As our site grows, our policies will most likely change with it. New versions will be posted here, so please check back periodically for updates or opt-in to the policy update notification so you can be notified when the policies do change and what those changes were.

What kind of information do we collect about you?
  • IP Address - This is the address assigned to your computer by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). This helps us know from which regions of the world and ISP our users are coming. We can not tell which user or house.
  • Browser Type - Knowing what browsers are being used to access our site allows us to better design our site for your enjoyment and benefit.
  • Email Address - If you register with our site, we collect your email address. We will use your email to notify you about any security matters concerning your account. We may also use your email address to notify you of the following information if (and only if) you have asked to be notified:
    • when our site is fully operational
    • of changes to our policies
    If at any time, you wish to change how or if we notify you, log in and select or unselect the types of notifications that you wish to receive then click "Save Changes".
  • Name, Address, Phone Number and Payment information - We collect this information for purchases only. You can enter this information when creating an account or at the time of purchase, but it is only used for credit card address verification and then shipping items to you. Your name, address, phone number and payment information is encrypted before it is saved in our database. It is also always encrypted when sent from your browser to our server.

How are cookies used?
  • You are assigned a temporary identification code when you visit our website. This is stored in a cookie. We use this to keep track of your browsing session especially during the shopping phases.
  • A cookie is information that a website puts in your browser's cache (on your hard disk) so that it can keep track of your session. Only the temporary identification code is stored and it is deleted from your computer when you exit your browser or shutdown or reboot your computer. Cookies do not damage your computer in any way.
  • You can configure your browser to reject cookies (so that cookies are not saved on your computer) if you have further concerns although doing so will cause some websites to stop functioning correctly.

What makes our server and your interactions with our server secure?
  • When you provide us personal information through our site, such as your name, address, phone number and/or credit card information, your information is transfered across the Internet between your browser and our server encrypted using SSL (Secured Sockets Layer). Encrypted means the data is garbled and unreadable. You can tell if your information is encrypted by your browser by looking for the locked padlock icon to the immediate right of the address bar or on the status bar (bottom) of your browser window and a change in the beginning of site address from "http" to "https."
  • Once your personal information reaches our server, we store it encrypted in our database.

How can I view my personal information?
  • Log in to view your personal information.

Who can I contact with questions about the privacy of my information?
  • You may contact us with any and all questions about your privacy.

If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, please contact us immediately.